IGBO Tournament Average Database

What is TAD?
The Tournament Average Database, hereafter TAD, is a service IGBO provides to its member tournaments. The TAD maintains a rolling average calculated by considering every IGBO member tournament a bowler has participated in within the last year. Both standard tournament and optional scratch events (e.g. Scratch Masters) are included in the calculation. This allows tournament directors to consider true tournament condition scores in addition to those of USBC sanctioned league averages. For privacy reasons, this is a closed system and requires IGBO membership in order to use the database. If you already have an IGBO Account, you may use your credentials to access the database.
How do I access my information in TAD?
Accessing TAD requires an IGBO Account which provides you with a set of credentials to login to the software from the web browser of your choice. If you don't have an IGBO Account, you may sign up for one. We only require your full name and a unique email address to obtain an IGBO Account. You will then receive an email from noreply@igbo.org asking you to confirm your email address by clicking the link. If you don't see the email, please check your spam or junk folder. Once you click the link and see the confirmation message, your IGBO Account is active. Please note that the information you supply to IGBO is considered private and is not shared beyond the IGBO Organization, its member tournaments and leagues.
Is my information private?
The information you directly supply to IGBO and information obtained from member tournaments via tournament scores submission is considered private and is not shared beyond the IGBO Organization. The IGBO Organization and approved IGBO tournament committee members are allowed to obtain average information along with your name, email address, sanction number and other information required for participation in an IGBO tournament. Anyone accessing the database is required to agree to IGBO's Online Resources Privacy Policy which requires personal information not be shared beyond the IGBO Organization or tournament committee, and only for the purpose of IGBO membership operations or hosting the tournament.